From New York - the greatest city on Earth...it's the Late Show with Daaaviiidd Letterman!!!
And now...here's your host...American Idol runner-up...Daaaavviiidddd Letterrrrmannn!
"Thank you, thank you...Anyone been outside today? Beautiful day in New York isn't it? Y'know it's so beautiful Josef Fritzl decided to release his daughter to take in the fresh air! It's so beautiful Hilary Clinton decided to hold a debate in Central Park. It's so beautiful Miley Cyrus did a photo shoot with her clothes on! Whaaa? That doesn't even make sense...
OK, so let's do this...have we done the thing?"
"Yeah Dave, we just played the..."
"OK, OK. Right, so Top Ten Messages On Russell T Davies' Answering Machine. Do you watch that, uh, that science-fiction program Doctor What?"
"Right, yeah. Doctor Who. So you've heard of it?"
"Oh I watch it Dave."
"I'll just bet you do. It's like an English version of Bill and Ted, except one of them's an alien and the other's Keanu Reeves. Or something. Anyway, the guy that's in charge gets a lot of messages on his machine, and we sent someone to collect them..."
"Someone went in?"
"Hehehe...yeah, someone from the studio snuck into his house, Paul. But here we go. Top Ten Messages on Russell T Davies' Answering Machine.
Number 10: 'Davies, Lawrence Miles here. I still haven't got that call about writing for Series 5.'
Number 9: 'Davies, Ian Levine here. On that last e-mail to me you spelled Levine A-B-Z-O-R...Am I right people?'
Number 8: 'Hi, it's the Sun. Just wondered if you could resend the last page of Episode Twelve...our fax screwed up.'
Number 7: 'Russell, Lord Grade here. Just wondering if we can get rid of the violence in Torchwood. I don't mind the sex, but let's tone down the violence.'
Number 6: 'No number six - writer still trying to get how the Bad Wolf message is supposed to work.'
Number 5: 'Mad Larry, Davies. Still waiting and getting really mad now.'
Number 4: 'Russ...it's sparacus...I've tried really hard but I think I may crack and admit I really like the new series. I don't think I can keep the facade up for much longer.'
Number 3: 'My stress levels have dropped too far on Corrie! I don't think I can cope. I need to return!!!"
Number 2: 'Russell, Steven here. Not sure I like the chair in your office...thinking I might have to change that.'
And the number one message heard on Russell T Davies' Answering Machine...
'Russell, it's Roly Keating - can we confirm Doctor Who as part of our 2020 lineup?'"
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