Well, the fallout from the eviction has produced some rather impressive results which have really spiced up the house. After mixing it with "the kids" Dave has fallen back on the "I'm ten years older than Saxon so I've been around the block a bit longer." Terri - who is really pissing me off - has described Brigitte as a spoilt kid because the girl is crying over having lost her all things, due to Saxon's "hand grenade". What's interesting is that Terri then went on to say that it was a horrible thing to happen to anyone. I have a soft spot for Brigitte - sure she has all the intelligence of my cat Parker as he rolls over to look cute, not realising he's on the bed and promptly falls off, but similarly to Parker, she's cute and isn't a malicious person. Well, she wasn't until she decided she wanted to leave the house to bash Saxon. Actually, to be fair, Brigitte's problem isn't that she's thick, because I don't really think she is - her problem is that she doesn't have the vocabulary or wit to express herself clearly. Saxon was actually fairly on the money when he suggested she should read more.
Still how hot is she in that eviction outfit? Love that short skirt. And the black underwear. I'M SORRY!!! I'm still a guy...
Meanwhile, the Nob takes the moral high ground about Brigitte being upset at having lost her clothes, despite the fact he spent hours bitching firstly about being sent to the Kombi van, and then later when Terri reentered the house. It's oh so wonderful to be living in that glass house and throwing stones. Dixie continues to get more and more bizarre, attacking Ben for gossiping about her behind her back, and when Ben explained everything, Dixie suggested he talk about her only behind her back. Ben, on the other hand, proved how useless he was as he was then unable to defend himself from Dixie's attack. Honestly they are the weakest group of housemates ever.
Entertainingly Big Brother seems to be losing his temper with the housemates, kicking Brigitte out of the Diary Room, and even funnier, yesterday, cutting off Nobbi's "Can I just say that these are the wor.." with a curt "No." I've always enjoyed Big Brother's lack of patience with the housemates, but this year he seems to be far more tolerant of them. Enough of this, I say! Abuse them! Put them in their place!
Nobbi imparts his wordly knowledge to Brigitte (which would make me want to punch the git in the face) as David, Renee, Rory and Alice are presented with a prize to fly overseas. The fact that the four honestly believe it is going to happen without passports is astonishing enough, but more impressive is Corey's question when told they are leaving the country "You mean Australia?". Oh dear lord...Oh I take it back. They appear to have realised that it is more likely to be a flight simulator.
Quite why the four of them have been awarded this prize is a little unclear. Big Brother seems to have run into a problem with Brigitte refusing to accept her situation by going on a hunger strike, and is determined to leave tomorrow, which Big Brother refuses to directly answer. Corey, meanwhile is trying to be sympathetic and doing quite well, but this brings me to an interesting point. Corey is a dick when he puts his mind to it and is enormously disrespectful to Terri, but it's interesting to note how astonishingly disrespectful Terri is to Corey in return. After claiming that respect has to be earned, she never really stops to question if she has done anything to earn Corey's respect. Having formed the opinion of him that she has never changed, it's extremely difficult to be sympathetic to the stupid woman. Personally I feel that both Corey and Terri deserve each other.
Big Brother finds it difficult to wake the housemates which is wildly hilarious, but I still can't quite grasp the point of the four people going to "Bali" for no reason. It amazes me that everyone likes Rebecca. I think it's obviously because she has big boobs. Other than that, struggling to actually find any character to the girl. Although to be fair, no character is better than the fucking-annoying-character that Dixie has.
Well, the long winded Monday show has ended with the chaps in "Bali" hearing the other housemates playing cricket for the weekly task. Gonna be a long week...
Short note on Big Mouth, in which Chrissy and Tim want to immasculate Saxon while the muched talked about John Howard interview turns out to consist of nothing more than a reporter shouting questions at Howard as he turns the corner - nice one Ten, thought for a moment you'd actually achieved something there.
One of the big problems with losing Gretel - and in some ways its not a problem - is that the new hosts of the show no longer really challenge the Big Brother contestents on things that they do. After a big talky session between Saxon and Jackie O & Kyle, all that we seemed to get from that was that as kids, Kyle and Saxon were both bigger losers than Corey. Gretel would have taken him to town, and although she was big on the man-hating passive-aggressive interviews, at least it was interesting to watch.
Happily it looks as though both Chrissy and Tim are up for it in Big Mouth as the two took him to task for hating fat people and defending the Cronulla riots. Of all the things Big Mouth has failed to do (and let's face it, the interview with the woman from the...what, Australian Family...whatever it was, was an absolute joke because - and if I may digress here - she was making an interesting point. In most situations somebody does something stupid, they are punished and then they move on, learning from the experience. Corey has done something stupid, but thanks to both the media and Big Brother he is not being allowed to move on from the experience and so he is learning nothing from it. Good old Tony and Rebecca weren't keen on hearing that argument and they talked over her very quickly, with Tim joining in - is the guy looking for a host job? He said he played the game in the house to win...perhaps he's playing the game to get a better job. Back to the story) it is that it has consistently not faced the tough questions in the house. Big Brother is slammed in the press, and the panel slag off the press (which Kyle is already doing in the weekly shows). I think the new eviction idea is great, but why not mention the fact that the tension was completely lost when Big Brother announced the wrong name for the person who left the revolving door? Obviously it was Saxon who lost. But happily Chrissy and Tim took Saxon to task for his attitude and beliefs and it was great to see.
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