To complete the Playboy review trifecta, we look at the Cybergirls for April, and shock, horror, there is a black girl AND an Asian girl in the group. Will wonders never cease. Actually, that's being slightly disingenuous towards Playboy as they were one of the first magazines that dared to have a black model in their pages, and the flack they got for that was astonishing (well, it was the 60s...). That said it's been a fair while since we've had a black cybergirl (July 07) and even longer for an Asian one (Oct 06).
Destiny White got the CGOM for April, and she's a very attractive girl, but clearly the voters had a bit of thing for brunettes as she gets voted in at about the same time Jo Garcia is voted in for CGOY. There seems to be a lack of variety at the moment with the Cybergirls, particularly with the CGOM and so when a brunette comes up, it's not exactly a surprise anymore.
However, obviously Playboy is going some way to addressing the balance with April's cybergirls. Two of the girls - Blair Snell and Sharae Spears, are the traditional blonde-haired, blue-eyed all-American girls, while the other two are both brunettes, and, as stated before, black and asian. Full marks for trying. That said I reckon people will still vote for the norm, and the closest to that in this case is Chelsea Co - she will be CGOM for August, and poor old Chernise Yvette will be brought up again in eight months time when we bemoan the lack of black cybergirls.
Not an awful lot more to say about the girls or their pictures - the pictorials for the Cybergirls having a certain blandness that suggests they are all taken by the same photographer who has lost the inspiration to come up with a variety of poses. It's no surprise then, that the better photographers are saved for the playmates.
Let's see what next month has to bring...oh, we've started off with a blonde-haired, blue-eyed all-American girl...
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