Oh, please, why not just bring back "It's time to go..."? Clearly, the whole "revolver room" didn't work terribly well (and aside from the fact that Big Brother fucked it up, one can't entirely see why they thought it would be so suspenseful. It actually would have been better to see it spit out the person who was evicted first), but having Jackie O say "the next housemate to leave Big Brother for 2008 is..."...it just doesn't have the same catch as "it's time to go". Thank god Big Brother is back to saying "You have been evicted. It is time to leave the house."
But, while she lacked style in evicting, Jackie telling Kyle to "stop being sleazey..." was one of the more priceless moments of the episodes. Oddly, though, Jackie in fact seems to be getting worse as a host, while Kyle seems to be getting better, possibly because he is doing a lot more improvised speeches than having to read the autocue. That said, the pair of them should lose those bloody hand-held mikes; Kyle doesn't seem to know where to put it and Jackie O was stroking it!!! Bizarre.
One can't help but wonder if the producers of Big Brother haven't worked out that their are housemates are boring as bat shit. Truth be told, the group just had no personality, and the majority of them still don't. Celebrities have been going into the house left, right and center, and even more are planned for teh forthcoming weeks. In the first Big Brother, the housemates were stranded in that house by themselves, going mad, for three months. Eight years later, and being isolated is about the only thing the housemates aren't. Corey, Carson (who is returning...or more accurately, despite the rubbish Kyle said about him going back into the house...please, Kyle, we know he's already been in), the So You Think You Dance judges (and there is another tie-in to that coming up) have all put in an appearance, and apparently a hypnotist is to go in. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, Big Brother should manipulate the house rather than the housemates, which is pretty much not what they are doing. This week, however, the housemates have started to come out and have some fights. The majority of the guys are still pretty boring - Nathan is clearly just trying to play up to each housemate; Rory...is...err...; Ben is...errr...the same, I guess; David escaped from a cult, of course, and that's apparently his personality (as opposed to something he's done); and then there's Travis who actually does have a personality and it's not having a high voice, which the producers believe is his personality. His naivete is actually very entertaining and the house appears to be something of a voyage of discovery for him.
As an aside, bringing Travis' mum into the studio to have a sparring match with Kyle - who, incidentally has gone back to simply slagging off the audience as he does in Australian Idol (although as I said previously this is actually an improvement on the norm) - although as usual Kyle is more than happy to slag people off on radio but backs down quite quickly when face to face with his target.
Meanwhile there are the women, and this week they all came out of their shell and behaved not unlike they probably would have in Year 12 (and for Bianca that was only last year, so no great change of pace for her then). Brigitte hates Dixie. Rebecca likes Dixie. Bianca hates Dixie (but like all girls pretends not to). Dixie hates Brigitte (but says she doesn't). Dixie hates Bianca (but is happy to lie, like Bianca, to her face). Brigitte tells Bianca that Dixie hates her. Bianca goes in to fight. Dixie lies and Bianca turns on Brigitte and Rebecca because the latter girls have decided to be swimsuit and lingerie models which Bianca thinks is just a little low to set your sights. Seriously I take umbridge to this (and I am being serious) because, let's face it, if that's what they want, power to them for it. Somone has to be a swimsuit model. Back to the story...Alice is jealous because Rebecca took Brigitte into the strategy room and not her. Rebecca is upset by this. Dixie abuses Brigitte. Rebecca is upset by this. The girls bitch like there's no tomorrow, which ironically, for Rebecca, there wasn't. Although, that said, as events transpired Rebecca actually voted herself out of the house. Clearly the producers didn't particularly want her in the house anymore because they let her do it, something they've never allowed in the past. Hmmm...
I give credit to the producers for learning from their mistakes and changing them. I give credit to Kyle for having the decency to apologise to Travis' mum. I give credit to Brigitte because she was wearing a skirt so short that Kyle & Jackie O had to make mention of her reviving the Basic Instinct moment. But seriously Big Brother - just let the housemates establish themselves without the continual interference. You might be surprised at how it goes.
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