Oh how far Big Brother has come. From being a relatively curious television experiment "putting a group of strangers into a house with no entertainment, and let's see how they act" the programme has now become "how can we possibly get back the ratings we used to have?"
Well, this year they've tried hard. In went racist grannie, but she was booted out again. In went a midget, but ironically she was booted five days later after breaking her leg. Big Brother only has three more newsworthy housemates (the five they used to promote the show) to go before it becomes the frat house we were promised it wouldn't become.
And so, the Gatecrasher special sees three new housemates enter, as voted by the public - who are, of course, a group of fifteen year old girls. Say hello to three handsome, muscly guys, making sure that there is a definite lean in the house towards a group of true blue Aussie blokes. But, as events transpire, it's been pretty clear this week that the initial housemates have a sum total of 0 personality.
And so, BB scrapes the very bottom of the barrel. Throwing a wad of cash (allegedly) in Corey Delany/Worthington's face, BB proves that all you have to do is be a delinquent to get some fame. Taken to the car that will take him to the house by a girl in a gold bikini (whaa?) Corey claims he wants Australia to see the real him. The audience booed and booed, Kyle finally gave up his new friendly persona, and told them all to shut up and imagine if he was *your* son. The audience booed more. Racist grannie returned (although the more we see of her the more we begin to see she talks a good fight), and was given the mission to be Corey's guardian in the house because he is a minor. The audience cheered.
What were the producers seriously thinking was going to happen? Dido they want a bloodbath? Did they want to exploit Corey, make him out to be an idiot and watch him storm out of the house in a huff (oo...that's never happened before, has it Kyle?)? Or was the aim to make Terri look like the fool? It's so hard to tell.
Corey entered the house to the distress of some, and curiously the hosts and producers quickly overlooked Bianca's vocal objections about everyone having an equal chance to get into the house. Good point, Bianca, but the producers of this very tired programme no longer have an interest in trying to work the contestents out fairly. And, after pretending that Corey had no real time limit, Corey blatantly told the housemates he was there for a minimum of ten days. Nice one Big Brother. Curiously the female housemates weren't overly excited about meeting Corey (indeed the three new 30+ Gatecrashers weren't interested either), but the arrival of Terri created more of a stir. Entertainingly, BB had to bleep Terri's entrance into the house because Nobbi's reaction was so extreme to her return. Kyle summed up everyone's feelings though - "So what?"
And that's pretty much the state of play for the entire programme to be honest - so what? The house is again full of Aussie males and brainless bimbos, with two guests who are going to be so unlikable, but generally will change the dynamic of the house not one little bit.
A completely different programme? I don't think so...
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