So there is a bit of a stereotype for the typical Playboy playmate, and that is a girl who is blonde, has big boobs and an IQ invariably less than her boob size. Stereotypes are not always on the money and this month, happily, it's way off for the beautiful Miss May 2008 A J Alexander.
Now, she's from Evansville, Indiana which, quite frankly, means absolutely nothing to me at all. Apparently her real names is Amanda Jane Hermann (who'd have thunk it), and she was nicknamed AJ by her grandparents, who obviously couldn't be arsed to learn her name, or alternatively thought "Amanda, that's three syllables...sod that, let's stick with AJ - that's only two." She has been in the movie American Summer as a deaf DJ, and started training as a dental assistant but gave it up to be a model (isn't Wikipedia great?).
Now, here's something that you probably don't know - the average age of a playmate is 22. (well, it's actually a decimal, but it's about 22). AJ is 27 which makes her considerably older than the average playmate. Not the oldest (that is a lady named Rebecca Ramos who was 35. On the same trivia, the youngest was a girl named Elizabeth Lawson who was 16...oooo), but certainly a standard deviation or two away from the norm.
AJ's stats are 32"/24"/35" while the average is 35"/23.5"/34.5" which means she has smaller boobs than usual (the other stats are quite close). She's an inch taller than the average playmate and only 2 pounds less than the average weight (so about the same there).
However, the point of this is to show that this month's playmate is older than the average, is a brunette rather than a blonde, and has average sized boobs, rather than the big ones we are programmed to expect from Playboy. Stereotypes usually come from somewhere, and there are obviously Playmates that fit those stats, but it's refreshing to see that Playboy will buck the stereotype and give us somebody who is very much against the norm.
Plus she's naked!!! What more do you want???
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