bb is just da coolest sho eva it rox
tonite woz just da best coz it woz a ileminashun nite & rebeca & saxon & dave were up. i hate all 3 coz dave iz 2 old & saxon is weird & rebeca ia just a no1 but travis took rebecc out & put rory in wich woz kewl coz i hate him 2. bb woz rude to nobbi & i laffed heaps. i woz jus so happi that corey wasnt up coz i voted heaps 4 him but mum told me that corey culdnt be ilimenateded & id wasted my money. i dont care coz corey is gr8 an he is hot. mum & i watch bb together coz mums bf is at tha pub on sundays. she voted for dave but every1 hates him so good.
they all went 2 vote & then they went 2 the main room & dave & saxon & rory (hu travis put up instead of dat fukkin skank rebeca) went 2 this revolvin room & it woz funni coz bb fukked up & sed dave woz comin bak but it woz rory rofl so i new that saxon got kikked out. saxon & kyle hu is fat sed that they were worse than corey when they were yung. WE as if.
but i still luv bb & its fukkin kewl!!!!
Ry is away - a loser tween has written this...
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