I know this girl (I'm not going to mention her name because she would be humiliated, and justifiably so because she even made this ludicrous call) who said to me - you should listen to Ashlee Simpson's new song, cause it's great.
"Is it?" I replied cautiously.
"Oh yeah, it's brilliant. You'll love it."
So I listened to it. I made one fatal error, however. I watched the film clip for "Outta My Head (Ay Ya Ya)" (and based on the bit in brackets I should have realised what it was going to be like) before I listened to the song. Now, the computer I use to access the internet has no sound, and so I just watched a film clip which actually looked quite bizarre and had the most astonishing imagery in it, ranging from all sorts of various pop cultures. I saw Dali's bizarre "The Persistence Of Memory", I saw the freaky girls from "The Shining" and a stone head that looked like the statues that were knocked down in Russia. There was even a Rubic's cube for goodness sakes. The film clip was impressive.
Now Ashlee has had her fair share of embarrassing moments in the past - lip synching on Saturday Night Live when she claimed she was going to sing live (never good when your band is playing one song and you're "singing" another), and of course hitting out at the world's view of feminine beauty just before having a nose job. Both incidents really are extremely embarrassing because they just highlight your hipocrisy. It's hard to convince the world you're not riding on your sister's coat-tails when you then go and make a fool of yourself. Twice.
Ashlee describes "Outta My Head (Ay Ya Ya)" as having an eighties feel to it (presumably, therefore, the appearance of the Rubic's cube). She's right, too. The song is almost straight out of the eighties, and I absolutely love the eighties. In fact, this is so eighties, it feels like she's chanelling Cyndi Lauper.
However, short clue - Cyndi was only good half the time. Drove All Night, Time After Time, True Colours - all brilliant, fantastic songs. Goonies (Are Good Enough) was craphouse. Ashlee is chanelling the craphouse Cyndi.
The song is woeful, absolutely awful. It feels poorly constructed and when the chorus comes it's just plain annoying. Don't buy this song. The fact that Timbaland is associated with this song is an embarrassment to the man - dude, you should've known better.
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