Owen Wilson takes the lead in the movie, and you can always bet that whenever you have a character that is going to be fundamentally unlikable at some point, it's best to get Wilson to play him because Wilson is so likabale that you can't dislike the fundamentally unlikable guy. (Doesn't make sense? Screw you, it's my blog). The funny thing is that, although he's the big draw card for the movie, and although he's clearly the guy that we're need to laugh at, he doesn't come close to stealing the movie.
And it's not the fat kid who, quite frankly, is also set up as the scene stealer. Sure he gets most of the best lines, and one gets the impression that this is a big thumbs up to bigger kids who worry about themselves at high school (and quite frankly kids, if you are a fat guy, don't worry about it. Worry about that when you leave high school. In the meantime, enjoy stuffing your face, cause it's pretty much the only time in your life you'll get to do it guilt free. And besides, you can always go on The Biggest Loser if you hit the big 150 kg, and then you can get paid to lose weight and have a three month holiday into the bargain!).
No, it is the standard dork who steals every scene he is in. He has some of the most hilarious facial gestures I've ever seen, particularly after moments where he stands up to the bully who is going to kick his head in. He may look like a loser, but he has some talent, and I hope he goes on to do well. Snaps to you, my friend.
OK, so I really liked this movie, and maybe it's because I was a geek at school and this movie was exactly what I always wanted to do to the people who treated me like gob-shite and got away with it because the teachers were losers and never realised what was going on under their noses!!! (I...I don't know where that came from...). Maybe it's because the loser gets the really hot girl (as in "Superbad"...hmm, I'm sensing a theme here Seth). Or maybe it's because this movie surprised me in that all the funny bits weren't just in the trailer. In fact, the movie had a lot of surprises that the trailer didn't stuff down my throat.
So that's a lesson to movie trailer makers. Hold back on some of the surprises. Let the trailer merely be a sample of the glory that is to come.
There endeth the lesson.
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