Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Law & Order: Criminal Intent - Self-Made (Season 7)

The first thing I thought when I saw this episode was "Hey! That's the guy from the Mandy Moore movie where she died and he was the father who was a priest. I bet he's the villain!" Snaps to me!

But seriously, this was a great episode of Criminal Intent which also allowed Goren a bit of character development. You may remember (or you may not, depending on how seriously you are into CI) that Goren met his mentor a couple of years back and he turned out to be something of a disappointment, in effect leeching of Goren for his own success. This is mirrored in a the victim's mentor - the victim being a young writer who the mentor was simply using her stuff as his own. Once you find that out it's not too difficult to know where the finger is going to be pointed.
Again a highlight of the episode for me was Goren being Goren, taking the opportunity to see burnt fake hair on the stove and deducing the torture of the victim. This is the stuff that Goren is made for, and it's great to see him back in the swing of things.

There's not terribly much more to say about the episode, but it was a great little number and well worth watching.


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