I have to say that I was a little surprised at the choice of July's Cybergirl Of the Month. She didn't exactly leap of the page at me and cut down the other four girls, but perhaps it was just time for a redhead to get some form of representation in the CyberGirl section. There were some nice photoshoots of Heidi Wheeler this month, and she looked quite nice, so I don't mind the eventual choice.
As for the Cybergirls themselves. Nikki Ryann was first off the block, and I absolutely adore her. She is so cute and so natural and despite giving off a cheerleader style vibe, I don't care. I love her to bits and think she's great. Brittany Sylvanowicz I thought was awesome ever since she was made a Coed...ooohh, years ago now (well last year anyway), but surprisingly I didn't think so much of her this time round. She still looked lovely and cute like a Coed, but...I don't know. A little more manufactured is perhaps the best way to describe it. Debbie Beal was back to the more traditional Playboy look, with her implants and bleach-blonde hair, but she wasn't unattractive so one can't complain. Finally Kristen Smith rounded the month off, looking like a cross between Nikki and Debbie, actually - a cute cheerleader with implants. I don't know whether someone was trying to suck up to Heff this month by giving us a group of four caucasian blondes with brazillians, but clearly the boss would be happy with this selection. I gotta admit I'm not entirely unhappy, but variety is the spice of life, and I would definitely choose Nikki for Coed Of The Month in four months time.
Nicole Aylward was Coed Of The Month, and having done some extensive modelling for Playboy in the past this was perhaps not so surprising. If you find a Coed who has been something else for Playboy, odds are she'll be the COEM. Nicole is even more traditional Playboy than any of the girls we've seen so far (again another choice for Heff) and her photo shoots were all fairly standard with no particular originality in them. She wasn't my pick for the month, so maybe I'm just bitter.
Five Coeds this month, though, and obviously someone believes that variety is the spice of life in the Coed section, as we are given an Asian girl to start with - Janine Siu. Janine is actually pretty stunning, though somewhat Americanised for an Asian, but who's complaining. Robyn Marie is quite interesting looking - very pale, with long dark hair and dark eyes and a curious smile. I quite like her I have to say. Victoria Andrea is a cute blonde all natural and not unappealing, while Tiffani Amber reminds me of someone I've seen in Playboy before, but I can't place. Finally Laura Marie is the girl we finish up on - another blonde, though her face is slightly too long for my liking. It's interesting to see that all the Coeds this month have natural boobs, which much be almost unique, though not so unique is, once again, a group of girls with Brazillians. One other thing, I get the idea that girls are using their middle names as last names to protect their identity, but it's a bit obvious when we have two "Marie"'s in a month. Come on!!! My choice for COEM is...hmmm...I'll go Robyn Marie. I think she's the one that stands out the most for me. Laura, on the other hand, was very coy about stripping naked, perhaps subscribing to the theory that girls who keep it secret get COEM jobs. We'll have to wait and see.
Finally, Miss August is Kayla Collins who bears a resemblance to all of the Cybergirls this month, and the Coed Of The Month. She's curvy, she's blonde, she's brazillian, she's implanted. Yes she's hot, but in a month of girls all obviously being set up for Heff, perhaps the PM should have been given a slightly different look. I like Kayla, and realistically, we haven't had a lot of the stereotypical PM this year, and to be fair Kayla is very much "the girl next door" in the face. A nice choice, but I don't think she's our Playmate of the Year for 2009.
But let's face it, it isn't my choice is it?
1 comment:
Hi...um yeah this is Victoria Andrea. and first of all although u didn't say anything offensive id really like to know who you are what you look like and how you think you are in any position to judge what other people look like? seriously get a fucking life...hahah sit behind ur computer and make judgements thats pathetic!! you are a joke
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