I love KFC. Oh, the chips...best chips from any takeaway joint in the world. And I'm talking Australia here, because KFC in England is the absolute pits. Over here, however it is the best. It is my takeaway of choice. Sucks to be me then to live in Deception Bay, because without doubt the Deception Bay KFC is the worst, most poorly run KFC I have ever had the misfortune to patronise. And I have had the misfortune plenty, I tell you.
I have no idea what is going on there, but I think it basically boils down to the fact that there appears to be a staff of about seven every night, of which only one actually does anything. That one is always working like no one's business while the others just sit around and talk. On average I would have to wait about ten to fifteen minutes in the drive thru line up whenever I go there. Once I get through the line, I would have to wait another ten minutes while my order is put together, and that's assuming they are able to let me use EFTPOS when I am driving through. Meanwhile I can see the rest of the staff discussing their weekend plans and generally having a bit of a laugh.
Just to give one example - one day the line up was huge (as ususal) so I took the somewhat unique decision to order from the front counter - yes, I actually got out of my car. To my surprise it actually took just as long to get my order as it would have if I had gone through the drive thru. However, during the time I was waiting a number of other customers came along to order and, as the one girl was preparing my meal, no one served these customers.
One chap, a largish fellow, got a little disgruntled at having to wait to simply have his order taken, let alone have it prepared, bellowed after ten minutes "MORE WORK LESS CHATTER". The girls in the preparation area had the decency to turn to look at him before resuming their conversation. Five minutes after that he bellowed "IS THERE SOME DICKHEAD MANAGER I SHOULD TALK TO?" No one showed their face, but by this time my meal had finally turned up so I left before, presumably, the large chap jumped the counter and ripped the place apart Hulk-style.
KFC Deception Bay - you suck. You really do. It amazes me how badly you actually do suck. Get your act together for God's sake. You are supposed to be in the service industry.
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