It's wonderful when you finally get a chance to read, isn't it?
Mike Tucker is what you'd describe as a "serviceable" writer. He's the kind of guy that will write a decent Doctor Who novel without actually stretching anybody too far, or making people think too much. Snowglobe 7 (or should it be SnowGlobe 7?) sees the Doctor apparently arriving in Dubai in the middle of a snowstorm, only to discover that he is actually inside a preservation that is trying to keep some form of winter alive. Money, being the issue of course, means that the SnowGlobe exercise has to find some funding from somewhere and so most of the SnowGlobes now have some form of winter sport getaway involved for the tourists. SnowGlobe 7 is going down that part, but this being Doctor Who, there is, of course, a monster lurking at the heart of the SnowGlobe which is pretty much unstoppable until the last five pages. Clearly a lot of work went into that resolution.
In all seriousness there's nothing really wrong with the book, but it highlights Tucker's "serviceability". The story is a straightforward, defeat the monster type tale, with smatterings of various Doctor Who stories from the past (try counting them, it's quite a fun exercise), primarily a big nod to "The Ark In Space".
Not the best of the trilogy of books it was released with, but certainly not the worst thing that New Series Adventures has come out with.
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