I remember when I started watching Big Brother, after vowing and declaring that I never would, the final two were Bree and Trevor and I thought, frankly I don't care who wins because they are both pretty nice people and I have no problems with either of them getting the money. The following year it was Tim and Logan Greg and I had the same feelings. In fact, I've always been relatively happy with who ends up in the final two (or even three) because Australia gets rid of the losers and we are left with the nicest people in the house who actually deserve to win the money. Last year, though blatantly manipulated, Travis, Zack and Aleisha were the final three, and I was happy. I didn't care which of those three won because they were all great.
You may have noticed that I don't post many reviews of Big Brother anymore. Basically that's because I hate everyone in the house. Yes, I can't say I like any of them. The youngsters hate the oldies, and frankly I hate them too. Terri is a whinger who does to the young ones everything she claims they do to her. Terrance just goes on and on and needs to sit down and shut up.
The youngsters are just as bad. Brigitte...I tried to defend her, really, but she is just a brat who needs a good slap. She is shallow and thoughtless and her behaviour towards Terrance and Terri is inexcusable. She burped in Terrance's face. Who does that??? But, of course, because he's just as stupid, Terrance acted like a brat when he fought with her. The two are ridiculous. She saturated the kombi van in which Terrance and Terri sleep. She is the most self-absorbed thoughtless bitch I've had the misfortune to see.
Ben, Alice and Cherry are all wet whiners who stab everyone in the back in order to make themselves look good. Bianca is just a child who thinks she is so much cleverer than she actually is. Rory is a fuckhead - what he has been doing to Terri (fondling his penis to make it erect when he is naked in front of her) is not only peurile, it's sexual harrassment and Big Brother should have the guts to remove him from the house for it. I defended Big Brother over the turkey slapping incident because they did the right thing, but this year they just let it happen with a slap on the wrist. COME ON!! They admitted they do it deliberately. Thank God Nobbi has left the house because he was just as disgusting. Travis needs to stand up and take notice. I mean, what is with this lot?
I don't care who wins this competition because I hate them all. I hope that none of them win anything.
I have included a picture of past competitors because they shit all over this lot and were hotter.
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