Variety being, as it is, the spice of life, one can only imagine that September, for Playboy, is a rather neat little pinch of oregano, bringing a great deal of flavour and just a little bit of exotic-ness (where there to be such a word) to the worlds of Playboy. Take, for example, the Cybergirls. Only one blonde among them, and as she doesn't have big boobs she doesn't really fit the Playboy mould. Stephanie Emma kicked the month off, from New York and bringing a slight Latina feel, she's in her mid-twenties and is quite pretty in a "pocket rocket" kind of way. The curiously named Elizabeth Taylor from Illinois is very, very striking, though probably enhanced. Curiously she's another in the mid-to-late twenties. Rebecca Lynn is our small breasted blonde, and the babe of the group at the tender age of ninteen. A Florida girl, you can tell she has a bit of a beach bunny feel to her. Back to the brunettes for a twenty-one year old shortie named Stephanie Strong. I like Steph as she has a very nice smile that suggests she's really having fun. Finally another twenty-one year old short brunette (although not as short as Stephanie) with Samantha Dunn. Again, quite pretty, but there's something that's a little fake about her. It's a difficult one to pick, but I'm going to put my money on Elizabeth Taylor to be CGOM. Tough choice though.
The Coeds are a little more in line with the stereotype, despite kicking off with a brunette. Corin Riggs is very pretty (love dark hair against a pale body), while Renee Reece sees our first blonde, again very pale. The tanned blonde is Christen Autumn, and finally Hayley Foxx rounds the group out. I suspect that the first three all have enhancements, while what's most tantalising about Hayley is that she never gets completely naked. That ususally means she'll become CEOM, but I am going to put my money on Christen Autumn.
As seems to be increasingly the case I didn't pick either CGOM or COEM, but the choices turned out to be not so bad. Curiously Tiffani Amber, COEM, looks a lot like the girl that Ross dated when he had very white teeth in that episode of Friends you may or may not remember. She photographs nicely and there were some nice sets for her. Jai Lynn, on the other hand, was not my choice at all, but she comes across as a little severe in her photo sets, and it was hard to find a shot of her that made it look like she was having an absolute ball.
Finally, Miss October is Kelly Carrington, and here Playboy have gone back to the standard (although again, the breasts aren't huge). Strangely, though, I found myself not being particularly disgruntled with this return to form. I guess it just goes to show that every so often it's nice to have the familiar back with us. Kelly is very attractive and also from New York. At 22 she's about average for the Playmate age, but she is a very good choice and I have to approve of Holly Madison's selection.
Although, there's an interesting question. Miss Madison and Heff have broken up, so the question is, will Holly still be in charge of the centerfolds in the magazine from this point on, or will someone else get the job? I suppose only time will tell.
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