When I found out that the Torchwood episode "They Keep Killing Suzie" had to be shot to a complicated timetable because Indira Varma was shooting in America, I thought, why did she bother? What on Earth is she doing in America? Who knows what she was doing at the time, but how delighted was I when she turned up in tonight's episode? Extremely.
Clearly she is supposed to be playing Benazir Bhutto, although I don't think many people would be happy at the possible allusion that Bhutto was a cold killer who planned the murder of her brother in order to get the family fortune. But as they are obviously not the same person, I suppose CI has got itself out of a nasty lawsuit.
Once again I have to say how obvious it is that Chris Noth gets on well with Julianne Nicholson, as the Logan/Wheeler pair is easily the best of Logan's various partnerships, and the relaxed byplay between the two is getting as good as the happier days of the Goren/Eames relationship (you know - back when it seemed Goren was the senior detective and they actually liked each other). This was an extremely entertaining episode, and while it didn't really get you thinking very much (but let's face it, CI rarely does that these days) it did keep me entertained for a good 42 minutes.
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