She's been away for a fair old while, but Jenny has finally returned, and this time she gets the chance to take center stage, joined, rather curiously, by Mike Franks, making a return this season (who thought we'd seen the end of that old bastard last year?).
This is an odd sort of episode - the first of a two parter which is unusual in of itself in NCIS. Gibbs spends most of the episode reaching the conclusion that was hinted at some time ago, that Jenny was responsible for the murder of La Grenouile, despite the admission by Korte. Other storylines are also finally being tied up - hints at Jenny being ill are confirmed, despite her denying it to Gibbs earlier in the season.
So as Gibbs does nothing, Tony and Ziva become Jenny's bodyguards for a while, until Jenny sends them away at a funeral after hearing a certain word, and then summoning Franks to help her defend herself. The killers of Agent Dekker will be after her and Gibbs next. Scary stuff, and thanks to the rather surprise ending of the episode, something of a shock. NCIS has the ability to really ram home a punch, but rather than take it they like to beat around the bush. It's nice to see them stepping up to the crease for this episode.
I won't say too much more about this episode, in light of the fact it is the first of a two parter, but I will mention one moment of humour that is truly worth it, and that's the forensic team confusing McGee by taking on the personas of the investigators - Ducky becoming Tony, Abby becoming Ziva and, rather neatly, Palmer becoming Gibbs - until the real article turns up.
Entertaining? Oh, yes.
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