Now I like Alicia Witt as much as the next man, but the fact of the matter is that the whole "Logan is the peacemaker" idea was just stupid from the outset. Logan's the hotheaded detective, always has been and always should be. So thank God Julianne Nicholson is back as Detective Megan Wheeler. Chris Noth seems to agree as he has perked up tremendously in this episode, looking more alive in this episode than he has been all season. It's also fun to see Wheeler bitching about Folacci as she throws her replacement's things in the bin. It's quite rare to see a big deal made about detectives replacing and returning in the Law & Order universe (and yes, by L&O standards this is a big deal), but it's also nice to see it happen.
Anyway, back to the story. To be honest my daughter was being a pain in the tonight and so I didn't quite get the entire feel for what was going on, and boy do I regret that because the story was more than just a little complicated. I have to admit that I'm still a little confused as to what was going on. I'm not quite sure how the detectives suddenly became so interested in the death of the actor unless they just happened to look into that case with a little more detail because it was involved with the case they were investigating...meh...I don't know.
I'm not going to be too tough on this episode because I didn't give it my close attention. Of mild interest, though, was the crossover with In Plain Sight...interesting decision. All in all though, the best thing about this episode was reuniting Logan with Wheeler, the partner who suits him best.
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