Playboy is usually bang on with its models, giving us a wide variety of girls, particularly in the CyberGirl fold where the girls range from the traditional Playboy beauty to the somewhat more interesting...uhh..skanky is a word I hesitate to use as it has negative conotations, but it's vaguely the direction I'm trying to indicate.
Coeds, however, have been a bit hit and miss, particularly in 2007 and culminating it what is easily the worst choice ever for Coed of the Month in the form of December's Marita N'Shea; who is a model that shouldn't ever expose her face, let alone her body. Unbelievable she was chosen at all, even more so that she got COEM. I'm sure she has a lovely personality though...
This year, though, they seem to have been taking a slightly more thoughtful approach to choosing their models, and the COEMs have all been quite sweet. This month has been particularly exceptional. The four COEDs - Laci Willis, Kimberly McKenna, and Ashley Taylor, are all quite attractive, though all have the common Brazillian, but its nice to see that there are a few natural breasts in the collection. It's tricky to pick a winner from the four (and last year my picks for CEOM were all waaayy off), but I'm going to put my money on Ashley Taylor. She has a smile that sets her apart from the other three.
As for this month's COED - Magen Lugo - excellent choice (and one I finally picked!). Magen is easily one of the best COEMs ever, and I personally think they need to promote this girl to CyberGirl quick smart (if not Playmate...yes...yes, I think she is actually playmate material. She just has that perfect girl next door look).
All in all, March was a good month for the COED models and Playboy has picked up its game in this department.
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